Dhanush’s maiden production venture Ethir Neechal, which has Siva Karthikeyan, Priya Anand and Nandita in the lead is nearing completion and is probably set to hit the screens in April. The film is directed by RS Durai Senthilkumar, who was a former assistant to Vetri Maaran with Anirudh of 3 fame scoring the music for the film.
Sources close to Dhanush say he is so happy about the movie and is gearing up to release it soon. Siva Karthikeyan also has said that he was eagerly expecting the release of Ethir Neechal and was happy to be part of a good movie. The film’s theatrical distribution rights have been sold to Vendhar Movies and the satellite rights have been purchased by Vijay TV.
The expectations on Ethir Neechal are very high and the music composed by Anirudh Ravichander is rocking the chartbusters. The songs have been getting great response and fans are eagerly waiting for the film release. Dhanush has also penned two songs for this flick and sung them and popular lyricists Thamarai and Madhan Karky have also penned the lyrics.
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