Looks like VTV Ganesh is keen on finishing work on Inga Enna Solluthu and releasing the film by this year. Starring Ganesh, Meera Jasmine and Santhanam in the lead, the film’s being directed by Vincent Selva.
Ask Ganesh how he convinced Meera to sign the film, and he says, “We met her at her residence in Kerala and told her that we have a script for her. She told me politely that she has no free dates. But I insisted, and she listened to the narration. She was excited, and immediately sorted out dates for our film. She told us we could do the photoshoot the very next day at her residence.”
The film, Ganesh says, is about a 40-year-old man who takes life as it comes. “Forced by friends, he marries. What he thinks is the biggest blunder of his life changes him for the better,” says Ganesh, adding, “I’m playing the lead in the film only because of Santhanam. I was impressed by his way of working in Kanna Laddu Thinna Aasaiya, and learnt a lot of things from him. Now, I’ve got the confidence to take the responsibilities of making a film.”
Ask Ganesh how he convinced Meera to sign the film, and he says, “We met her at her residence in Kerala and told her that we have a script for her. She told me politely that she has no free dates. But I insisted, and she listened to the narration. She was excited, and immediately sorted out dates for our film. She told us we could do the photoshoot the very next day at her residence.”
The film, Ganesh says, is about a 40-year-old man who takes life as it comes. “Forced by friends, he marries. What he thinks is the biggest blunder of his life changes him for the better,” says Ganesh, adding, “I’m playing the lead in the film only because of Santhanam. I was impressed by his way of working in Kanna Laddu Thinna Aasaiya, and learnt a lot of things from him. Now, I’ve got the confidence to take the responsibilities of making a film.”
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