Hansika has been shooting for seven films simultaneously these days. Apparently, apart from her current projects, the actress has kept four other filmmakers waiting for her confirmation to sign on the dotted line. She’s said to be shooting every single day for the past few months. A source close to the actress says, “She will be shooting on all days till April. She’s planning a vacation only after that. Since childhood, Hansika has been a hard worker and it’s only because of her sheer inner strength that she’s able to manage her heavily-packed schedule. Right now, her only motive is to complete all the films without any confusion. For the four projects that have come her way, she has to re-work her schedule and plan accordingly.”
The source further adds, “She is essaying the role of a journalist in Biriyani. She will be shooting for it later this month.” The actress is currently shooting in Hyderabad for Sundar C’s flick with Siddharth.
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